
Category: Litigation
A picture of our legal director Pierre Makhlouf

A picture of our legal director Pierre Makhlouf Channel 4 News Feature: "What's the difference between you & the smugglers?"

Our legal director and former client speak with Channel 4 News about the damage caused by the scrapped Rwanda plan.
16 Jul 2024

High Court Finds Widespread Unlawfulness in Government’s Electronic Tagging Regime

The High Court has ruled in favour of claimants, finding widespread unlawfulness in the Government's electronic tagging regime.
28 May 2024

Joint civil society statement on the Rwanda Bill for Second Reading in the House of Lords

Read our Joint Statement in coalition with more than 260 organisations calling on Peers to reject the Rwanda Bill at Second Reading.
30 Jan 2024

BID's JCHR submission opposing the Rwanda Bill

Read our written evidence for the Joint Committee on Human Rights, contesting the Rwanda plan as the bill enters parliament again.
17 Jan 2024

Annual Report wraps up 2023

We supported 1,690 people last year with free legal advice. Read our Annual Report to find out more.
20 Dec 2023
Supreme Court

Supreme CourtJoint civil society statement on the Supreme Court ruling on Rwanda

BID joined JCWI & 129 civil society organisations to welcome the Supreme Court's decision on the Rwanda plan & raise concerns for the future.
15 Nov 2023
image of a grey fence against a blue sky. behind it there is another fence in the background

image of a grey fence against a blue sky. behind it there is another fence in the backgroundBID challenges Home Office over access to justice failure at Manston asylum centre

BID has sent a pre-action letter to the Home Office challenging their failure to provide access to justice for people held at Manston asylum centre.
7 Nov 2022

Evidence from the first ever public inquiry into immigration detention

Read about the evidence given, including our own, as part of the Brook House Inquiry.
9 May 2022

BID welcomes Supreme Court's landmark ruling in R(Majera)

The ruling is a timely reminder to the Home Secretary that her department is not above the law
21 Oct 2021

Read our joint evidence to the Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee on SI 2021/184

Read our concerns about changes that will weaken the protections against detention afforded to potential victims of trafficking.
9 Mar 2021

Lack of legal aid advice for immigration detainees held in prisons ruled unlawful

In a judgment handed down today, Mr Justice Swift found that the current system is discriminatory and unlawful.
25 Feb 2021

Strategic Litigation: The case of Humnyntskyi, A & WP

A summary of this landmark case for which BID provided three witness statements.
30 Sep 2020

Bail accommodation system ruled “systemically unfair”

BID speaks with Free Movement about this landmark High Court case for which BID provided three witness statements
2 Sep 2020
Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) is a registered Charity No. 1077187. Registered in England as a Limited Company No. 03803669. Accredited by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner Ref. No. N200100147. We are a member of the Fundraising Regulator, committed to best practice in fundraising and follow the standards for fundraising as set out in the Code of Fundraising Practice.
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