
Category: Trafficking
A picture of our legal director Pierre Makhlouf

A picture of our legal director Pierre Makhlouf Channel 4 News Feature: "What's the difference between you & the smugglers?"

Our legal director and former client speak with Channel 4 News about the damage caused by the scrapped Rwanda plan.
16 Jul 2024
image of barbed wire with trees in background

image of barbed wire with trees in backgroundBuilding a better system for survivors of trafficking in immigration detention

Read the briefing by the Taskforce on Survivors of Trafficking in Immigration Detention on building a better system for survivors.
9 Jul 2024
an image of the front of the guide that reads "Applying for time extensions to obtain legal advice from a lawyer"

an image of the front of the guide that reads "Applying for time extensions to obtain legal advice from a lawyer"New resource for people in detention facing removal to Rwanda

A basic guide and template for applying for time extensions to obtain legal advice from a lawyer.
15 May 2024
Malaki looks at big ben holding a heart shaped balloon

Malaki looks at big ben holding a heart shaped balloon"Does the Home Office have a heart?"

Show some love this Valentine's Day and join the campaign to end the UK's heartless automatic deportation regime.
14 Feb 2024
Lady justice on a yellow background with writing that says Summer Legal Advice Survey August 2023

Lady justice on a yellow background with writing that says Summer Legal Advice Survey August 2023Legal Advice Survey finds low levels of representation

Our latest Legal Advice Survey paints a stark picture of the difficulties accessing legal advice while being detained.
11 Dec 2023
Pierre Makhlouf

Pierre MakhloufWatch back: Overview of detention & bail

An overview of detention & bail by our Legal Director Pierre Makhlouf.
21 Nov 2023

Ten reasons to bin the Illegal Migration Bill

With the dystopian Illegal Migration Bill at the House of Lords stage, we share ten reasons why the Lords must #BinTheBill.
11 May 2023

BID call for inquiry into Harmondsworth & Colnbrook IRCs

Read our letter to the Home Secretary following the death of Frank Ospina & reports of attempted suicides & self-harm.
6 Apr 2023

BID's 'Illegal Migration Bill' Briefing

Read our clause by clause breakdown of this inhumane Bill & why it must be resisted.
3 Apr 2023

Brook House report finds systemic flaws in Home Office decision-making & Rwanda policy

BID's summary of concerns raised by Her Majesty’s Inspector of Prisons' report on Brook House Immigration Removal Centre.
3 Oct 2022

BID launches project to help asylum seekers facing deportation to Rwanda apply for immigration bail

In response to the government’s inhumane Rwanda policy, this project will help asylum seekers facing deportation to Rwanda apply for immigration bail.
11 Aug 2022

Ask your MP to take a stand against deporting people seeking asylum to Rwanda

It takes less than two minutes to email your MP using our handy tool & template.
19 Apr 2022

Harmful & discriminatory: The lack of face-to-face legal advice for women at Derwentside IRC

On International Women's Day Agnes & Gemma from Women for Refugee Women expose the realities faced by women locked up at Derwentside IRC.
8 Mar 2022

BID briefing on detention of trafficking survivors

Policy changes and proposals set out in the Nationality and Borders Bill bill will dismantle the rights and protections of trafficking
29 Jul 2021

“Everyone is crying”: The tragedy of Yarl’s Wood

With International Women’s Day on Sunday, we take a look at Yarl’s Wood the UK’s only facility established to detain women for immigration purposes.
6 Mar 2020

BID speaks to the Independent about how the government detain hundreds of trafficking victims

BID were asked to comment after the Home Office were forced to pay compensation to a victim of modern slavery for their unlawful detention.
24 Oct 2019

On anti-slavery day we call upon the government to stop detaining victims of trafficking

The UK government continues to detain victims of trafficking in their hundreds, despite the harm it causes.
18 Oct 2019

BID joins 30 organisations calling for data on victims of trafficking

BID has signed an open letter calling for the government to release data on the immigration outcomes of victims of trafficking.
22 Aug 2019

Detaining Victims: Human Trafficking and the UK Immigration System

New report draws on BID's experience to explore why and how victims of trafficking are being detained under immigration powers.
30 Jul 2019

Open letter: The government needs to do more to protect victims of human trafficking

BID joins over 20 charities as signatories of an open letter urging the government to do more to protect victims of trafficking.
17 Jul 2019

“Careless and cavalier” Home Affairs Select Committee slams immigration detention

Home Affairs Select Committee slams immigration detention system and Home Office management of it as witnesses give compelling evidence.
21 Mar 2019
Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) is a registered Charity No. 1077187. Registered in England as a Limited Company No. 03803669. Accredited by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner Ref. No. N200100147. We are a member of the Fundraising Regulator, committed to best practice in fundraising and follow the standards for fundraising as set out in the Code of Fundraising Practice.
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