an image of the front of the guide that reads "Applying for time extensions to obtain legal advice from a lawyer"

an image of the front of the guide that reads "Applying for time extensions to obtain legal advice from a lawyer"New resource for people in detention facing removal to Rwanda

A basic guide and template for applying for time extensions to obtain legal advice from a lawyer.
15 May 2024
eight people in blue BID t-shirts celebrate finishing the Hackney Half Marathon

eight people in blue BID t-shirts celebrate finishing the Hackney Half MarathonIntroducing our Hackney Half Heroes

Sponsor our dream team taking on 21km to raise funds for our advice line.
14 May 2024
a bird sits on barbed wire

a bird sits on barbed wireSix ways to act in solidarity with refugees facing removal to Rwanda

There are countless ways to act in solidarity. Here are six places to start.
2 May 2024
A black and white image of a plane flying over a fence with barbed wire

A black and white image of a plane flying over a fence with barbed wireUrgent appeal for interpreter fees for Rwanda Project

We are in urgent need of donations to cover the costs of interpreters for detained individuals facing removal to Rwanda.
2 May 2024
Image of a plane flying over barbed wire

Image of a plane flying over barbed wireBID reopens project to help asylum seekers facing removal to Rwanda apply for immigration bail

In response to the government’s inhumane Rwanda policy, this project will help asylum seekers facing removal to Rwanda apply for immigration bail.
30 Apr 2024
compilation of logos that have signed letter

compilation of logos that have signed letter BID signs letter calling for an introduction of Gaza family scheme

Over 70 organisations have written to the Home Secretary calling for an introduction of a Gaza family scheme allowing for family reunification
2 Apr 2024
A pencil drawing of a prison and a woman in prison clothes thinking about her partner and children. They all have red hearts drawn on their chest.

A pencil drawing of a prison and a woman in prison clothes thinking about her partner and children. They all have red hearts drawn on their chest.“It is not the punishment, it is the separation that breaks me.”

Eve* shares her story of detention for International Women’s Day.
7 Mar 2024
image of an eye projected to lunar house which says watching migrants 24/7 underneath it

image of an eye projected to lunar house which says watching migrants 24/7 underneath itICO finds the Home Office's GPS monitoring pilot unlawful

The ICO has issued an enforcement notice against the Home Office over its GPS tagging policy breaking data protection laws.
5 Mar 2024

Adjoa Andoh, star of Bridgerton, reads our client's poem about being GPS tagged by the Home Office

Watch Adjoa Andoh read our client's poem and tell your MP: Stop Electronic Monitoring!
27 Feb 2024
image of the Ministry of Justice building London

image of the Ministry of Justice building LondonBID's response to Ministry of Justice Review of Civil Legal Aid

Read our response to the Ministry of Justice's call for evidence on Civil Legal Aid.
21 Feb 2024
Malaki looks at big ben holding a heart shaped balloon

Malaki looks at big ben holding a heart shaped balloon"Does the Home Office have a heart?"

Show some love this Valentine's Day and join the campaign to end the UK's heartless automatic deportation regime.
14 Feb 2024

BID's Joint Submission with Medical Justice to the ICCPR’s upcoming periodic review of the UK

Read our Joint Submission with Medical Justice to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights periodic review of the UK: January 2024
6 Feb 2024

Joint civil society statement on the Rwanda Bill for Second Reading in the House of Lords

Read our Joint Statement in coalition with more than 260 organisations calling on Peers to reject the Rwanda Bill at Second Reading.
30 Jan 2024

BID's JCHR submission opposing the Rwanda Bill

Read our written evidence for the Joint Committee on Human Rights, contesting the Rwanda plan as the bill enters parliament again.
17 Jan 2024
life on tag

life on tagGovernment doubles down on experimental surveillance tech to track migrants

Annual review of GPS tagging in the immigration system 2023
20 Dec 2023

Annual Report wraps up 2023

We supported 1,690 people last year with free legal advice. Read our Annual Report to find out more.
20 Dec 2023

Prison Legal Advice Survey finds shockingly low levels of legal representation

Our newest prison legal advice survey shows the barriers to accessing immigration legal advice whilst being detained in Prisons.
20 Dec 2023
Carmen Kearney

Carmen Kearney Watch back: Overview of Deportation with Carmen Kearney

An introduction to ADAP (Article 8 Deportation Advice Project) by our Legal Manager, Carmen Kearney.
19 Dec 2023
Lady justice on a pink background with writing that says “Access to justice or just an illusion?”

Lady justice on a pink background with writing that says “Access to justice or just an illusion?” Event Announcement: “Access to justice or just an illusion?”

Join us in person on 23rd January at 7pm as we expose the legal aid illusion and call for the reinstatement of Legal Aid for all immigration cases.
18 Dec 2023
Two Promises Broken

Two Promises BrokenPrime Minister: Don’t break government’s promises to survivors of modern slavery

BID and 27 other organisations have signed a joint letter to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.
12 Dec 2023
Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) is a registered Charity No. 1077187. Registered in England as a Limited Company No. 03803669. Accredited by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner Ref. No. N200100147. We are a member of the Fundraising Regulator, committed to best practice in fundraising and follow the standards for fundraising as set out in the Code of Fundraising Practice.
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